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Pompton Lakes Riverdale S.A.
Traveling Information

During the season, boys and girls play on Sunday afternoons except for make-up games. There are 8 MCYSA League games in each of the fall and spring season. Fall match play begins approximately the second weekend of September; spring match play begins towards the end of March. Away games are usually within 30-40 minutes of Pompton Lakes. Parents are expected to help by rotating snacks and oranges for games, snack stand duty in the fall, rotating both SAGE representative duties, and volunteering to carry the sideline flag.

Soccer is played in all types of weather conditions with games cancelled only in event of dangerous field conditions; lightning, etc.

Player Attire: 
There are away and home game jerseys that must be brought to every game in the event of uniform color conflicts with opponents. No jewelry is allowed for any reason even for new pierced holes – please do not ask for exceptions as they will not be granted.

Practices, Training and Camps: Generally there are two practice sessions per week during the fall and spring. Every team is entitled to a minimum of ten 1-½ hour training sessions with a professional trainer and several goalie clinics during the entire seasonal year (September 1 through August 31). Days and times of all sessions are subject to field availability and are determined at the beginning of each season. There are several reasonable summer camp opportunities available that are best taken advantage of when the team attends the same session allowing a dedicated trainer to be assigned for your players.

Tournaments and Leagues: Each team is strongly recommended to enter sanctioned tournaments during the year, usually over holiday weekends (Labor Day, Columbus Day and Memorial Day weekends) and indoor facilities during the winter (Teams are allotted a budget that will cover 2 tournaments per seasonal year, but may play in more, at the discretion of the coach). Team involvement in winter league play is encouraged but up to the discretion of the individual coach. 

Fees: Travel fees are $500 for the year.  These fees cover league registration fees; Club sponsored training sessions, tournament entries, insurance, team equipment, and various related expenses. Players are required to purchase the specified uniform consisting of two club jerseys, shorts and socks, which currently cost $75. A player will not be denied participation based on financial hardship; if this is a concern, please contact PLRSA.

Every participant will receive a letter/ call regarding their status. These notifications will be approximately 2 weeks after tryouts and will be handled promptly. If your child is selected, please be prepared to provide a reply within 2 days and submit the traveling fee within 2 weeks.  Online payment can be made through your PLRSA web account. 


Volunteers are always welcome. If interested in helping out, please contact PLRSA.

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